Saturday, December 31, 2005

Almost new year...

Here I am... blogging... while my friends from the colony are out partying. Not that I am much of a party animal anyway.
My mind has been preoccupied the whole day about the future of my company here. FYI I work for a tech. company in Chennai which has recently been acquired by a global tech giant. Sounds good?? Not really... They may want to loose some flab that resulted from the new acquisition. My news (big) bosses may want to axe the Chennai operations in order to achieve that. Brr... that sure seems a bleak thought coz I am not in a mood to search for a job (again). I am speculating that there is some serious news awaiting me early next week. Well... we shall know anyway during the course of next week coz my manager from the US is paying us a visit and it looks like she has some serious news for us. It really is the dumps when you are pretty much at the bottom of the ladder. One really doesn't seem to know what is happening in the company (management-wise). That's one of the reasons I wanna do a business degree, so that I can dive head first into the management clique ( though I don't seem to be making much headway in this particular direction either ).
Guess I have cibbed enough for the day... Anyway, I came across this good blog today. It's is by this guy Anand Sridharan. He has got some pretty interesting posts about India and business in India. I shall be adding a link to his blog on mine later on.
Moving on to other( and the main) news... Wanna wish everybody a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Hope more people turn atheists this year making the world a much better place to live in...
Hope I get serious with life.
Hope Lalu Yadav retires from politics. Also Sonia Gandhi and all the other dynasty politicians...
Hope they throw this f****** CAS(Conditional Access System for Cable TV) out of Chennai before the FIFA World Cup.

"Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness"
--- "The Architect", Matrix Reloaded

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