What kind of a cottage industry would you suggest to put rural India on a growth trajectory?
Here is a leaf out of the book from Pakistan.
Watch and learn all ye Indians who crib about rural employment! Watch and Learn!!
Many sons and lots of guns!
After seeing this video, I am amazed how we were able to win five wars against these people.
Too bad, I can't see the video. They have blocked it in the office and I will have to wait for some time to have internet connection at home!
must be some good stuff though!
Too bad... it is indeed a nice video... be sure to watch it.
it is scary!Hard to overcome in near future looks like.
At first glance, I found this very funny, but it definitely is thought provoking...
As long as we're the ones winning the wars, i dont care what they do in their cottages :)
Ya'know, after watching this video, I thot "How come there are no high school shoot-outs in Pakistan?"
If lax gun laws are the reason for them in US, then there should probably be no school in NWFP where a shootout has not happened. So there must be something more than what meets the eye in these American Real-Life Gun Dramas
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