Saturday, July 22, 2006

Kali Muthiduthu...

Err.. for non-Tamil readers of this blog, the title means that "We are riding the peak of the Kali Yug". Yeah, its 'that Kali Yug' that ends in aramageddon et al.

This phrase is usually used in Tamil (esp. cinema) to explain the various evils that are being perpetuated in this world like terrorism, communal violence, Captain Vijaykant Movies etc. This is one of the usages of the phrase. The other usage is associated with the concept of Karma... you know the whole "As you sow, so shall you reap" funda of Hinduism. The usual concept sez that you will be rewarded/punished for your deeds in your next life but they say that in Kali Yug you shall be punished instantly during your current life. I use the phrase in context of the latter. So what is this punishment, you might ask...


Yes. You are looking into sad visage of the latest victim of Comment Bot vandalism. My poor poor blog....
Every one of my posts excluding this one (hopefully) that are on this page have solicitation via comments. The Bot Gods have swung into action swiftly and smitten me with this horror for the blasphemy of speaking out against them a few days back. Isn't this just like every misdeed being punished instantly in this Kali Yug?

I take this opportunity to pray to them.

Prayer: (To be repeated 1008 times by me)
"Oh Great _________ (fill this blank with the God associated with Internet/Blogs).
Please forgive this blasphemous soul,
Please take your filthy, crappy, pain-in-the-ass, no-good ads to some other poor unsuspecting blogger.
To someone in my blogroll maybe?

PS: In spite of being made to eat a huge piece of humble pie, I have decided to refrain from using word verification. Lets wait and watch. Also is there any workaround that you guys can suggest?


greensatya said...

Hehe, so revenge has been taken that too in coldest manner. They could have done in one or two post, but doing in every post, oh my !

As I told earlier, I had done similar post, but my ire was directed towards 'Google' for giving that tough verification. May be, that's the reason I was spared.

Good that you are still holding your grounds. I wish you internet almighty's blessing. :)

Sharda said...

Your information about commiting any crime in KaliYug and getting the punishment in the same life,was good.Because I am scared of getting punished in this life.If it was another life who cares :) :)

Anu said...

Ayyo paavam.. vere enna panradhu? Pona jenmathula edho paavam panni irukke..

Seriously, start using word verification . It helped me. :)

Iday said...

congrats :P

pradman said...

@GS - I am even thinking of sacrificing a few Hard Disks to get in the Internet God's good books :)

@Sharda - Amen to that. Anyway for a guy who does not believe in reincarnation I find some solace that these scum who are vandalizing my blog will get their due in this life time itself... But these are probably Bots... so what could be their punishment? Their own servers being infected by viruses perhaps? :))

@Anu - Thanks for your sympathies... This is a really dificult phase for me... Sob... Sob... :)

@Iday -

Oh God of the Internet,
This unbeliever Iday is mocking you...
Please give him a taste of your bitter medicine.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!