Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bon Appétit

You thought oysters and snails that the French relish are messy food?
Here is something to be really sqeamish about.
The last one is something that I wouldn't want near me even when I am dead and gone....

So next time stop complaining and just eat your veggies...


greensatya said...

Yuck, yuck so disgusting !!

pradman said...


But one has to agree that it is partially due to culture difference too...

Also one has to praise the resourcefulness of these poeple.

Sharda said...

those food items were disgusting.But it was not new to me.If you have ever watched "fear factor" ,you can not say any food more disgusting than that.They eat,cow's eye ball,testicle of any animal is the savory item.
But I agree with you,no vegge can be more digusting and hateful than that.

Anu said...

Thank God Im a vegetarian! (Actually its more like, if-it-had-a-face-I-dont-eat-it thing!)

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

I always thank god that I am a born veggie ..

pradman said...

@Sharda - Absolutely true about 'fear factor'. A 'disgusting eat' seems to be imperative for them in each episode...

@Anu - So what's the big issue. Tell them to serve you the chicken sans a head ;)

@Vinod - There is nothing called a 'born veggie' dude... You have been brought up a vegetarian.

This throws up an interesting question. Are humans born vegetarian? What I mean is are humans herbivorous or carnivorous?

Though our common ancestor apes are omnivorous, in many was our anatomy seems to resemble herbivores e.g. our teeth resemble cows more than tigers right?

I read an excellent observation by someone somewhere. In the wild, carnivores drink water by licking on the pond while herbivores sip i.e. drink with their lips.
How do you dirnk water?

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

Ya ..Meant that! Not a bad thought. But the world has moved on and we are the minority now.

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...
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pradman said...

Vinod... I belong to that minority group too... Though by custom I am supposed to be a vagetarian I convinced myself to remiain a vaggie on ethical grounds.

pradman said...

err... that was "remain a veggie" in the previous comment

Iday said...

Even for a hard core meat eater, that was YUCKY.
good that i give myself very limited options.

i'd like to try out different items.
but no - pig's testicles will NEVER featrue on that list.
btw - did they intentionally use that pic there, to make it all the more disgusting???
I had almost puked :(

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anu said...

@ Scipio - I wrote 'HAD'. :)

pradman said...

@Iday - Yeah... That was disgusting with a capital 'D' alrite...

@Anu - My mistake... Then I suggest you try the sea slugs... They don't seem to have a head at all :)