Sunday, March 19, 2006


Being from South India, I have never been too much involved in Holi celebrations here (One of the many festivals considered a "Hindi" festival by many "Protectors of Tamil Culture"), though I have celebrated the "Festival of Colors" a few times with my friends in School.
Holi has become a rather controversial issue in recent years.It is seen by many (and fueled by the MSM) as a license to licentious menfolk who go on a rampage, harassing and molesting women at will. Take this example in a Tamil Daily. If you ask me, from the looks of it, the girl seems to know the guys who are playing holi and pretty much enjoying the festivity herself. Don't get me wrong...I don't say that men are abstinent saints who are being targeted by "New Age Feminists". I am sure that there are a lot of rotten minds who are waiting for opportunities like Holi in order to "Have some fun". It's just that I feel that this particular photo seems to have been a wrong photo at the wrong time.